KEPAHIANG,LSN – Since Monday night, the residents of Kepahiang district have been excited by the news of the Hand Capture Operation (OTT) carried out by the Tipidkor Satreskrim Unit of the Kepahiang Police against a number of people in the Pagar Gunung village area, Kepahiang subdistrict, Kepahiang district.
Since Tuesday morning, the community has been stirred up by an arrest operation carried out by the Kepahiang police criminal investigation unit at one of the ASN homes in Kepahiang district with the initials KR along with a number of people suspected of being village heads in Kepahiang district.
A source who did not want to be named said that a number of people were taken from inside the house by members of the Kepahiang police station.
“We don’t know the reason, but and a number of people who were taken by the police were indeed from inside the house,” he said briefly while leaving journalists, Tuesday (27/6).
However, unfortunately, when they wanted to confirm the truth of the news, the authorities at the Kepahiang Police Criminal Investigation Unit were not yet willing to confirm it. (Rls)